Make More Money as a Photographer by Investing in these 3 things!

August 7, 2021

Show Description: If you are stuck wondering where you should be putting those dollars bills to see an actual ROI in your photography business, look no further! In this episode we are going to show you exactly how you can make more money as a photographer by investing in these three main things when getting serious about your photography.

Show Notes: The truth is investing can be scary AF. Especially if you don’t know what is going to get you the most bang for your buck !

Here are the 3 things that you can always invest in that you can be confident will make you back your money and then some 🙂

#1 Education

Education has helped us both to become better photographers and has given us more confidence to charge what we are worth. Because we are confident in our skillset, we are able to charge our clients appropriately because we know how much time and money we have invested into growing as photographers.

#2 Client Experience

Offering your clients as much value as possible is going to better help your clients see your worth and want to pay you what you charge. Adding value will only be helpful as long as your ideal client actually values what you are offering and if you can communicate this value clearly. So make suer you have those two boxes checked before you offer extra value.

#3 Styled shoots

Your portfolio is your calling card, so you would be wise to always be investing either your time and/or money into styled shoots that will help you to get better clients because you are showing better work and hopefully it’s specific to your ideal clients.

Finally, if you are a photographer looking to invest back into your business check out our upcoming portfolio building-photography workshops, where you can get beautiful images for your portfolio AND be coached by both Josie Brooks and Vania Elise. They will sharing their best tips on posing, lighting, styling + more!

Click here to learn more!