Feeling Like a Fake? Listen to our top tips to help overcome Imposter Syndrome!

October 14, 2021

The Photo Scene Podcast

Episode 8: Tips for Overcoming Impostor Syndrome


Join us on this week’s episode as we have a candid chat surrounding impostor syndrome. Follow along as we share how impostor syndrome has showed up in our professional and creative lives, and strategies that we’ve used to help us overcome it. If you’re a creative who’s struggled with impostor syndrome, then you won’t want to miss this insightful episode! 


What is impostor syndrome?

Impostor syndrome can show up in a few ways. One could be when you have a successful career yet, you still doubt yourself and don’t believe you’re as successful as you actually are.

And the other way shows up most often when you’re first starting out with a new endeavor. In the beginning especially, it can be difficult to embody a new identity as “photographer” “artist” or “business owner”- whatever it may be, it can be difficult to transition from being just you, to defining and presenting yourself by something you do.  

You may feel like a fake or a fraud taking on this new identity and it can lead to an irrational fear of being found out or called out and being told “No, you’re not!” AKA that you’re an impostor and not really the person you claim to be or have the skills you claim to have. 


How to overcome impostor syndrome

  1. Fake it till you make it: Work to push through those feelings of self-doubt. Sometimes it helps to put yourself in situations where you are uncomfortable, or where you have no clue what you’re doing, so that you can really get that hands on experience and build the confidence you need to believe in yourself.

“You can only swim in the shallow for so long but eventually we need to get into the deep.” – Vania

  1. Plan ahead and be prepared: As experienced photographers, we’ve both learned the importance of planning ahead for a shoot. It helps to get all the little details sorted out so that when photoshoot time comes, you can purely focus on your craft. We stay organized through intentionally crafted questionnaires that help us get to know our clients, by having a photo shoot timeline or shot list, by creating guides, templates, blogs and mood boards so clients know what they can expect from working with us.  
  2. If you’re feeling bummy, hit the reset: It’s normal if some days you just aren’t feeling yourself. When those moment come, try not to put too much pressure on yourself, just take a break and focus on prioritizing yourself and your wellbeing. Help yourself before you go out there and help others – you can’t give what you don’t already have.
  3. Remember that people choose you because they like your work: As you get more opportunities to shoot, be sure to post your work, share it, blog it and it WILL lead to more people finding you who like your work and want to work with you. 
  4. Do the inner work needed to overcome the insecurities: Explore the thought processes that come to mind when you feel those insecurities creep in. Whose voice do you hear? Focus on changing the narrative in your mind. But also, continue to put yourself out there with that “fake it till you make it” type of attitude.
  5. Invest in education: Expanding your skills through courses, workshops, or mentoring are good ways to deepen your knowledge, skills, and confidence. But remember, learning is just the first step, the second and most important step is to take action and implement what you’ve learned.

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